CNI: 0861 564 565

Area Map

Start at intersection Old Oak and Durban Road travel north on Durban Road  to intersection of Durbanville Ave and Tindale Road,  turn left at Tindale to intersection with Race Course Road  turn left (West) along Racecourse Road to intersection with Tygervalley Road turn left (South) into Tygerberg Valley Road to end of Altydgedacht vineyards (intersection with proposed Jip De Jager Drive Extension) turn imaginary line west to Elsieskraal River across Elsies kraal river along Jip de Jager drive in southerly direction to intersection with Mara Road, south east on Mara road to its termination then east along the fence of and along the west fence line to the quarry edge down the fence line east along the north boundary of Tyger Falls area to Carl Cronje Drive, then north on Carl Cronje drive to the intersection with Old Oak Road east along Old Oak to the starting point.