Feeling peckish or want to stock up your goodie cupboard?
Bring your shopper and fill it up!
Join us on the 16th of June between 9 am and 1 pm where our stalls offer you.
- Iced Cookies
- Hamburgers
- Cup Cakes
- Doughnuts
- Candy floss
- Iced lollies
- Treats for diabetics
- Pancakes
- A specialised food distributor offering – free-range chicken products, organic lamb plus more
- Carrot cake
- Health bread
- Sweets
- Coca Cola
- Homemade lemonade
- Bottled water
- Fruit juice
- Brownies
- Rice Crispy treats
- Homemade Poppit chocolates
- And more
And for our canine family, we have
- Doggy treats – Combo pack
- Bone broth