The Kenridge the Hills Ratepayers Association (KHRPA) provides a vital link between the city council and the greater Kendridge and Durbanville Hills community. Our work ensures that the community’s wants and needs for our area are communicated to and actioned by the City’s municipality. We also help to hold the City accountable for the maintenance of our area. This includes the development and maintenance of our water, trees, parks, roads, and lights (to name a few) and planning for the development of our area.
After more than 10 years of service, our chairman is stepping down and we need an experienced, credible, and confident leader to take on this exciting and crucial role in this organisation.
The successful candidate will be working alongside and providing leadership to an experienced, dedicated committee, driving new initiatives and ensuring that we continue to serve our community well.
We are also looking to re-elect the positions of vice-chair, secretary and people to fill committee portfolios such as land use, events, waste management and anything that you think will help make Kenridge, De Bron and Durbanville Hills a better place to live in.
If you are interested in helping to improve our community and drive the organization forward, please send your details and the role you’re interested into
Then join us on Thursday 30 March 7pm at Kenridge Primary for the election of the new committee members.
Our community depends on people who care – if you’d like to see a difference, join us to help make it happen.